Elements of modern website design

February 10, 2016 8:19 am | Published by | Categorised in:

Modern website design is made up by various elements, styles and designs that change over the years to keep up with user wants, needs and expectations.

Some elements of website design help to explain what a business is and what it does; others serve to improve how a website looks on a specific device.

While it is not necessary to keep up with every trend by including it on your business’s website, many do have the potential to improve a visitor’s experience and keep them coming back for more.

However, with so many options of website design to choose from, it can be difficult for businesses to know which ones are worth considering and will set their website apart from others.

Here are three elements of modern website design that businesses may want to consider including on their websites to improve the site’s performance:

Unique typography
Using a unique style of typography can help customers immediately identify your business against competitors. The typography your website features can indicate subtle hints about who your business is. But make sure you choose a font that is supported by common browsers and computers; not being supported could result in your website displaying awkwardly on different devices.

Large and responsive hero images
A hero image is a large banner image that is prominently placed, usually front and centre, or a website. Responsive hero images can create a strong visual experience amongst readers, encouraging them to scroll down to read more. Ensuring your website’s images are responsive makes for a good user experience. Website visitors should be able to look at different images and get the same experience no matter the device they are using.

Card design
Using individual cards on a website distributes information in a visual way so visitors can easily consume bite-sized pieces of content with feeling overwhelmed with information. Breaking up different pieces of content into cards means users can pick and choose which articles they want to expand. This helps keep a website’s homepage feeling clean and organised.

Card design is becoming more popular across websites because it delivers chunks of information for users that are easy to read and understand. The design can help highlight multiple products or solutions.