Marketing habits to ditch in 2017

February 17, 2017 9:12 am | Published by | Categorised in:

Ever-changing trends, increasing competition and changes in customer buying patterns are just a few reasons why business owners should review marketing efforts regularly.

Past marketing activities that were once successful can easily go out of date. There are always new marketing techniques to experiment with but first it is important to let go of the marketing activities that are holding your business back.

Here are three marketing habits to ditch in 2017:

Wasting time on certain social channels
Not all social media channels will deliver results. The reality is your target customers will most likely have a preference for certain channels over others. For example, Facebook and Instagram may be better-suited mediums than Twitter and Snapchat for real estate agents; however, fashion retailers may utilise Instagram and Snapchat. The key is to experiment with different social channels to gauge levels of interest and engagement from followers, then decide on which channels are best to primarily market your business.

Failing to update your goals
It is common for small business owners to use the same marketing plan they created years ago. This can be quite problemsome especially if marketing tactics are not accurately reflecting your business’ current goals. Take the time to review your marketing plan at least annually or when new opportunities and threats arise.

Ignoring mobile
Mobile has now surpassed desktop as the primary device for internet browsing. Website content and social media posts need to be optimised for mobile users to ensure optimal browsing experience. Businesses that fail to customise their online services for mobile will fall behind, as mobile users favour optimised sites.