SEO friendly images

June 30, 2016 9:05 am | Published by | Categorised in:

Image optimisation can increase exposure and decrease load times for your website, resulting in better SEO rankings.

Websites with images not only improve the user experience but bring in organic traffic via search engine image results. When adding images to your website, they need to be optimised accordingly. Here are some things to consider:

File name
Be sure to use descriptive keywords in the image file names as search engines will search for keywords within your image file names. The file name should be the main subject of the image.

Alt tags
When a browser cannot read the file name, the alternative text will be displayed to ensure that no information or functionality is lost. Be sure to add alt tags which contain your SEO keyword and describes the image. Using alt tags helps to achieve better website rankings as associating keywords with images helps to show up in the image and web search.

Reduce file size
Images with slow load times rank poorly in search rankings, as Google uses page load time as a factor in their algorithm. Make sure the image is in the smallest file size possible for the best overall user experience. A good rule of thumb is to keep your image file size below 70kb.